The Study Course

Welcome to the Study Course and congratulations on choosing to take the time to know the Word of God for yourself!  Each course chapter incudes the textbook PDF for viewing & downloading, as well as the Study With CMartin podcast for online listening & downloading.  And yes, it’s all completely FREE.   

Remember, there’s no “fluff” material here.  If you are serious about studying the Word of God, take your time and actually read the Scriptures and study the material.  Each chapter section gives you at least a week to study and review each chapter before moving on to the Assessments. 

*While you can listen to the podcast episodes in order or at random, course parts must be completed in order.  Receive a Certificate of Completion upon successfully completing each part, and a  Certificate of Achievement when all parts have been successfully completed!

To get started, just click the “Register” button in the top right corner of the screen to register to create a profile and start with Part 1 below. 


In this section, we will set the foundation for understanding what it means to really study the Word of God for yourself by…

Now Available

Spiritual Law,
Spiritual Authority, & Sozo

In this detailed section, we will lay the groundwork for your understanding of spiritual law, spiritual authority and sozo… 

Now Available

Spiritual Law,
Spiritual Authority, & Sozo

In part 2B of the Study course, you will learn about how to confidently and successfully exercise spiritual authority in prayer …

Now Available

Understanding What Can Hinder Your Prayers And Even Cause Sickness And Harm To Come, Remain, Or Return

Once you have completed Parts 1, 2A, & 2B, you are now ready to understand the role we have to play in hindering our own prayers and…

Now Available

Now That You Have Received, What Are You Going To Do?

In this detailed section, you will discover
what Jesus’ disciples are expected to do, how we are to minister to others, how to minister with gifts of the Spirit… 

Now Available

Remember -
ALL course parts are FREE!
So why not start TODAY?

As noted in the Study materials, this is a study in the Word of God (the Bible). The information in these materials is based on the Word of God and the author’s understanding and faith in what the Word of God says; for the reader to be able to have, do, and accomplish only that which the reader understands and believes the Word of God says they can have, do, or accomplish. It is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians for those requiring or desiring such services. Such readers should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his/her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.

Further, these materials are made available with the understanding that the author nor its publisher is engaged in rendering legal, tax, investment, insurance, financial, accounting, or other professional advice or services. If the reader / podcast listener / site visitor requires or desires such services or advice, professionals rendering such services should be consulted.

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